
Nature taught me to perceive beauty, to understand its art and to value its essence.

I am Caterina Maurini and I have fallen in love with Nature since I was a child. In a time when I was able to start experimenting, without filters and in the absence of prejudice, between the different shapes, movements and shades of colors that Nature is able to give us.

Growing up, I treasured this imprinting by letting myself be constantly inspired by the natural cycle of flowers and plants, by the transformation of the seasons, so constant and revolutionary at the same time and so extraordinary in its simplicity.

I remain, and will always remain, enchanted by the charm of Nature, and it is precisely this fascination, which hides something magical, which feeds me, makes me grow and gives me the opportunity to create color palettes and seasonal flower mixes in every composition from the smallest bouquet to the most generous bouquet.

In each of my creations you can find Its reflection, with It I love to play, experiment and dream. This is why my settings are unique in their kind, making the wedding, the home, the party, the event special.

Oltre alla Natura, guidano le mie mani e ancor prima la mia immaginazione Gusto, Eleganza e Ricercatezza.

In addition to Nature, my hands guide and even before my imagination Taste, Elegance and Refinement. All this has also accompanied me on my professional journey. I studied at the School of Floral Art in Milan and then alongside the great professions. The very first job in the sector was in fashion, in Maison Valentino, I still remember it as an emotion.

Thus was born CATERINA MAURINI LABORATORIO D’ARTE FLOREALE, on the outskirts of Milan in a place full of stories and love.